My family believes strongly in the Lord and always tells me not to worry about my tumultuous and uncertain future and to "leave it in God's hands". I know, this may be a bit too deep for most of my readers since I don't usually talk about my mess of a life and rather focus on the happiness and other facets. But, this has a good ending, I hope. :)
I live a high-stress life from a very demanding profession. People usually have misconceptions about my line of work but what they don't realize is the terrible lifestyle, amount of hours, hard work and dedication poured in. The lack of sleep, the constant need to take exams, and the whole uncertainty of the whole process until you finally reach your destination. And even when you do, it's not guaranteed. Or when you think you've landed one of the most secure positions in the world, you could be fired, without notice, as I've recently learned of one of the hardest working seniors that I've encountered. My current stresses lie in the exams I have to take and trying to figure out my future as it all looks quite dark and dismal. It's like trudging through muddy fields, it drags you down and tries to stop you, but you have to keep pushing forward.
When my family and I do get a chance to speak, they always pray for me. Tell me not to worry so much, the Lord will take care of it. Sure, I've been going about everything in a round about way but it seems that I am, every so slowly, moving forward. I've learnt that it's okay to ask for help and when you ask, you receive it. Sure, sometime there will be people who say no. But if you don't ask, it'll always be no. That's why I believe that this new line of Good Things products from Day Spring is perfect for my mother. It's a great birthday gift and it suits her from the design right down to the scripture. She loves her hot drinks and she always uses a lid on her mugs. She also uses totes and this beautifully designed tote is just what she needs for holding her church items when she goes for church, the weekly group meetings, and so on. The tote features a magnetic top closure and a couple inner pockets as well as a zipped inner pocket for your important items. It's also made of a thick, sturdy material and appears to be fairly strong. The mug itself is quite nicely designed with the "He fills my life with good things" verbage and I enjoy it because it's a tribute to the Lord as well as to my parents who have brought so many good things into my life. Overall, this set is great for expressing your own faith or even as a thank you gift to those special ones in your life. It exudes a personal and warm feel to it, one may say (in)spired!
But, if you ask me what kind of blessings I've received. I'd tell you, sometimes the best kind of blessings you can receive is the undying and unconditional support of your family. What about you? What (in)spires your family? What blessings do you have in your life?
Buy It: Shop online (in)spired deals. The Good Things TeaCup and Tote retail for $39.98 but are on sale currently for $29.98.
Win It: 1 Whirlwind of Surprises' reader will win the same set for themselves. Come back to enter the flash giveaway on May 22nd 12:01AM EST to 11:59PM EST. It'll only be live for 24 hours! Make it easier on yourself by showing the sponsor some love now: Like (In)courage on facebook. Follow @(In)Courage.
Disclaimer: The product/s mentioned above have been provided for the purposes of this review. No other form of compensation was received. Opinions expressed belong to Whirlwind of Surprises and are NOT influenced in any way. Please view my full disclosure.
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Sometimes the hardest part is leaving it in God's hand. I live this beautiful tote set.
Love not live:). Although I live it too
I need this, my grandmother would love this. I love the scripture on the bag.
You did a nice job on your article and review it is a wonderful set with a super message
I love Dayspring products and this would make an excellent gift! Thanks for such a great review!
What a beautiful bag! I love Dayspring!
I have a wonderful friend who this would be perfect for. A nice little surprise to help lift her spirits.
What a cute tea cup and bag!! Thank you for this review!
I enjoyed your posting and review, my family also believes in our Lord and have put many troubles in his hands over the years. I love the mug and tote bag!
I love collecting tea cups and this one looks like such a keeper for me
I love the adorable designs! Thanks for the review!
-Rachael Henzman
Awesome prize ty
Awesome prize ty
Awesome prize ty
Betsy Rubendall Barnes
Loved your review! I agree with you on unconditional love from family & friends are the greatest blessings :)
I know you said you leave it in Gods hands but not really...you let him guide you and support you but you also help in moving forward and not just sitting back waiting for life to happen even though it is hard at times...I applaud you and good luck...
I would agree that life is much easier with unconditional love from your family and you are blessed to have it. I come from a crazy family and that was not available but I have learned that you take what you can from them and keep the faith life is still good
Rebecca Xavier: This review was great. I loved how you personalized it. The products look great.
Thought of buying a tea cup it looks nice...
Love this and have been i tea drinker since im a kid for at least 40 years
sibabe64 at ptd dot net
this is beautiful! love it!
this is perfect for my mother also for the reasons you've listed
I love this set. Hhhhhuuuummmmmm Keep it or give it to mom?
The items are just delightful.
Great review - awesome message!! Thanks for all you do!
The tea cup and tote look very nice!
The tea cup and tote look very nice!
Great review and giveaway!
Darling set and I know just the friend that needs it!
This is a beautiful tote! Thanks for the chance to win it!
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