Enter on the Rafflecopter form below between May 21 9PM EST to Jun 18 9PM EST. Open to US, 18+. Good luck! Please take the time to enter my other giveaways while you're here.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: Please view my full disclosure. The winner will be responsible for transportation to and from the port of departure. This giveaway is not affiliated with Facebook, Google, Pinterest, or Twitter in any way. Please read HERE for complete rules. Winner to be announced by Acadianas Thrifty Mom.
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C'mon guys! It's started. A $3000 Disney Cruise for 4. Remember to comment about your favorite Disney Character for an extra 5 entries. Mine is the ever so classical Mickey!
Donald is my favorite character
I'm a Mickey fan. He puts up with a lot from his friends. ;)
Favorite Disney Character is Minnie
Uncle Scrooge - been my favorite for a long time.
My favorite disney character is of course mickey :)
Donald Duck is my favorite Disney Character. He is an oldie but goody! Thanks you for the contest!
Timelyone at hotmail dot com
Winnie the Pooh and Tigger...my fav's!
my favorite disney character would probably be...(well, princess)...] ARIEL
What a awesome vacation, and boy do I need one! As for my favorite charecter I love daisy! Thanks for all you do
What a awesome vacation, and boy do I need one! And what better way to destress then by the sea. As for my favorite charecter it is daisy! Thanks for everything you do
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