CircleSquare Ranches have been around in Canada since 1978. They started as a response to tens of thousands of letters that poured into the popular 1970’s children’s TV show, “Circle Square”. Um...I wasn't born yet then so I don't even know what that program is. Anyways, these letters were from children all over Canada and by 1978, the first two summer camps, one in Ontario and the other in Alberta began. David Mainse, Reynold Rutledge and so many others contributed to the development and progression of Circle Square Ranch Christian Camp over these past 33 years and in April of 2011, the Circle Square Ranch ministry became owned and operated by Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship of Canada. As I'm learning about this camp, it really sounds like a time of spiritual development and fun. The point of these overnight camps is to allow several 1,000 campers going to the ranches to make new friends, explore their spirituality with Jesus, and most of all, have the time of their lives!

About Circle Square Ranch:
Circle Square Ranch is a Christian, non-denominational, non-profit organization, welcoming youth of any faith and race. We encourage young lives to grow spiritually, mentally, socially and physically in an exciting, fun-filled and safe “adventure experience”. We invite ranchers to consider what the Bible has to say to them about their relationship with God and each other. Everything, from the selection of our staff to the programs offered, is done to have a positive input into each young life.Sounds like something you'd be interested in? You can sign up your children across Canada for camp sites in:
- Austin CSR, Manitoba
- Wolf Creek CSR, Saskatchewan
- Wolf Creek CSR, Saskatchewan
- Halkirk CSR, Alberta
- Arden CSR, Ontario
- Brantford CSR, Ontario
- Austin CSR, Manitoba
- Halkirk CSR, Alberta
- Austin CSR, Manitoba
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