1) You can follow the 10 Minute Tummy Tuck Method, which involves their special Thermal Accelerator cream that helps you increase your body temperature and do brief abdominal exercises. This helps to increase temperature and circulation in the belly area, thereby gradually slimming away belly fat even without significant weight loss. The exercise was really simple, it's a 2 minute exercise and then you keep the belt on for 8 additional minutes.
2) You can combine the regimen with exercise and you don't even need to wear the belt during exercise. You can do the regimen in the morning then exercise later in the day.
3) The belt also has an instant slimming look so I like wearing it throughout the day anyways. It helps smooth out the lumps and bumps.
The Tummy Tuck belt was very easy to use. It comes in different sizes and you choose based on the guide on their order site. The first few times were a bit hard though because I had to fight to pull it up over my hips to get it onto my waist even though I'm decently small. It did loosen up after continued use and I tried to use it with the cream twice a day as recommended. For the last several weeks now though, I've had more trouble keeping it on properly. The bottom tends to roll up and I have to constantly adjust it. I started out at 27" around my waist and 34" around my belly circumference. After a month of continued use with a few days missing, I ended at 27" and 33.5" respectively. So I did lose a little.Overall, it did help to give an overall slimming appearance. It also helped to reduce my love handles a bit. I think I'll continue to wear it as an under the garments slimming mechanism even if I'm not losing that much around my waist. Since I started out with smaller measurements and with slightly defined upper abs, I may have had less abdominal fat to lose. It was my pooch that always plaques me that I really wanted help on, 0.5" isn't bad. I have heard from some of the other Pitch List reviewers that they've lost significant inches so it's reasonable to conclude that results will vary on an individual basis.
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Buy It: Shop online for the Tummy Tuck Belt.
Win It: There will be a group giveaway in which 10 winners will win the Tummy Tuck Belt for themselves. Enter on the Rafflecopter form below from Oct 20, 2012 12AM EST to Nov 04, 2012 11:59PM EST. Open to US, 18+. Good luck! Please take the time to enter my other giveaways while you're here. a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: The product/s mentioned above have been provided for the purposes of this review. No other form of compensation was received. Opinions expressed belong to Whirlwind of Surprises and are NOT influenced in any way. Please view my full disclosure, TOS, and privacy policy.
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I'll have to share this with my daughter as I think she would really be interested in it. Have not heard of this before so found it informative.
I'm trying that out too! I figure if I don't lose inches, at least it's good for wearing under clothes when I really need to look a little thinner!
It is worth a shot!
I will tell my sister about this as she can't stand her muffin top--not my issue-I have lots of junk in my trunk!!! LOL
I NEED to try this! Thanks for the info
I so need this after 4 kids!!
I need a way to flatten the leftover baby belly I have the diet and exercise just won't get rid of. This seems like a good choice to try.
ooooh this is interesting, I wonder if it would work on baby belly that is 18 years old :-)
No diet,or exercise needed? Wow. If it makes results like that, then this coupled with Exercise would be grand!
i learned that diet and exercise are not needed.
No added exercise or diet needed
Simply follow the 10 Minute
Tummy Tuck Method
Gradually slims away belly fat
even without significant weight loss
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