Unless you're a blogger, you probably wouldn't know this but I have been crazily stalking a magical creature. Dun dun dun... LOL, I was trying to catch a little fairy, the Fairy Hobmother actually! I'd been visiting every blog that he went to but it seemed, he always just slipped out of my grasp. That's the way fairies are, don't you know? Tinkerbell was always flittering about...
Anyways, the kindly Fairy Hobmother stopped by and sent me an Amazon card so that I could stock up my freezers with ice cream and treats for these hot summer days we've been experiencing! Thank you Fairy Hobmother for noticing our perserverence and dropping by. He has such a cool job, it's like being the tooth fairy, only better!
Want the Fairy Hobmother to visit you as well? Leave a comment with your blog address and he may just reach out and sprinkle a little of that magic Amazon dust on you too! Follow him on twitter @FairyHobmother. Woohoo, thank you Fairy Hobmother for making my week shine!
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Want the Fairy Hobmother to visit you as well? Leave a comment with your blog address and he may just reach out and sprinkle a little of that magic Amazon dust on you too! Follow him on twitter @FairyHobmother. Woohoo, thank you Fairy Hobmother for making my week shine!
Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. Please view my full disclosure, TOS, and privacy policy. Please take the time to enter my other giveaways while you're here.
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That's awesome! What a great surprise. Let's see if I can get some fairy dust sprinkled around me! Thanks for sharing.
I would love to have a visit from the Fairy Hobmother! Thank you so much for sharing :)
A little magic and blog love these hot summer days is so very sweet! I wish I had a fairy visit! littlecrunchy.com
Congrats! I would love some fairy dust as well ;)
I could always use some extra sprinklings... you know I'm part pixie myself:)
First off I'm a huge fan of Tinkerbell and can't wait for the new movie to come out.
I would love a visit from Fairy Hobmother.
I keep missing him too! I wonder if a butterfly net would work?
I'm stalking him today. Hoping he comes to see me, too!
I've been waiting to see the Fairy Hobmother on my blog. I can't wait! Hopefully it will be soon/
I love that fairy! I'm stalking him now too ;)
This fairy needs to come sprinkle Mom With a Dot Com! He's bound to find me at some point.
I'd love sprinkles from the Fairy Hobmother!
I'd love to meet the Fairy Hobmother in person on www.actingbalanced.com - I'll even serve tea!
I never knew such things existed outside of fairytales, but I would most definitely welcome the fluttering little creature on my blog. In fact, I'm now silently stalking him on Twitter as we speak...lol!
Congratulations! It's always so nice to feel the love of some pixie dust :) Enjoy your treats and try to stay cool!
What a great surprise!!
I too have been chasing the Fairy Hobmother!! I really hope he'll come visit me at www.moneysavingmindy.com soon! Congrats on your visit!! :)
Congrats!!! I would love some fairy dust as well!! womanofmanyroles.com /jacqulynodell@gmail.com
Come visit me!! I need a new freezer :) www.savingyoudinero.com
Wow, how awesome is that?! The Mom Show would love to have a visit! http://themomshow.blogspot.com
Congratulations! I would LOVE to have a little fairy dust on my blog! http://www.dixielandsdeals.com
Hope you enjoy you ice cream and other summer treats! I would love some fairy dust from the Hobmother, too! :)
That is super cool... i knew they were real! Congrats
Oops forgot
I would love a visit on http://www.mommywholovesgiveaways.net Congrats on your visit!!
Woohoo for you! How cool that you got a visit!
I wouldn't mind being able to purchase a few cooling treats myself. Come find me :) http://www.bitsnbiteswithtina.com
That's great. Cool treats are always best in the summer. I'd love a visit. Mine is http://sonyashappenings.com
How awesome!!! Oh how i LOVE ice cream!!! I would love a visit. http://tpankuch.blogspot.com/
I've always wanted a visit from the Fairy Hobmother- could use it too! Congrat's- there's noting like having a freezer full of yummy treats!
Maybe the fairy hobmother would love to swing by http://MeHimAndTheCats.com and help me get some cool stuff for camping this summer!
I would love a visit! My freezer needs some ice cream too! And some steak. Hmmm, steak! http://generationsofsavings.com
@Kat Balog, LOL, love steak!
I would love a visit! Perhaps he'll decide to check out http://www.momondealz.com!
I scream, You scream..we all scream hooray for the Fairy Hob Mother! :D Enjoy your icecream!
Absolutely wonderful! Congratulations!
Woohoo, fairy dust! Your blog was already a magical place, yet now it seems even more so! Congratulations! :)
How Awesome is that!!!! Love a freezer full of ice cream and the Fairy Hobmother!!! Would sooo love a visit from her!!
That is awesome!!! I love fairies. Http://lifewithnorma.blogspot.com
I'm so envious! I want the Fairy Hobmother to visit me!! Please, Fairy Hobmother? I believe in you! :)
ps- my sites are goldilocssweeps.com and amommaslife.com
I wish the Fairy Hobmother would come and visit me! http://PlumCrazyAboutCoupons.com
I wish the Fairy Hobmother would visit me! I love fairies, magic, and all that cool stuff!
Please come visit me at http://dogsnpawz.com!
I bet Fairy Hobmother is cool just like Tinkerbell :) Come visit me too Fairy Hobmother. You're more than welcome to stay longer in my blog :)
Please visit me at http://www.riablahgs.com, http://www.homefamilyheart.com, http://www.redlipspinkytoes.com or at my travel bug blog at http://www.riatravelbug.blogspot.com
I shall await your arrival to sprinkle my site with your wonderful fairy dust :)
Ooooh! Oooh! Fairy Hobmother Pick Me! Please visit My blog jenny at dapperhouse! YAY!
I hope the Fairy Hobmother visitsme for my Birthday today at http://mycharmedmom.com/
You lucky duck! I wish the Fairy Hobmother would come visit me. :)
that is great! i wish the fairy hobmother will visit my blog soon, too! :)
so awesome!!! lucky you!
i hope the fairyhobmother will come and drop by my little space! :)
I just had the best bubble gum ice cream!
follow him on twitter! the2kidsdidit
Congrats on your visit! Please send some luck my way...lol
congrats! I hope he drops by at http://www.momsicleonline.com and send me note at bev_c09atyahoodotcom
How fantastic - congratulations.
I love fairies, and would be thrilled to have the Fairy Hobmother stop by my place...I even know what a HOB is ;-) ;-)
We hope you stop by our place! www.peaceabull.blogspot.com
Ray and His Mommy
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