As a Karina Dresses Ambassador, this #frockstar is proud to have represented such a great company at the Girl Rising screening. Have you heard of this powerful documentary narrated by 9 renowned actresses (Meryl Streep, Kerry Washington, Anne Hathaway, and more) before? It covers the stories of nine courageous girls from nine different countries around the world who stand up for the education of girls. As a feminist myself, I believe in equality of the sexes. There's nothing that excuses the right to education. Girls are just as important as boys and deserve a chance as well.
This is much in line with Karina Dresses beliefs. It is the reason they chose The Little Stars School (LSS) of Varanasi and created the LoveClub TM, Karina's loyalty program. Ever quarter, a percentage of every LoveClubTM membership is donated to LSS.
I always knew the importance of education. As I watched, I discovered just how lucky I was to be educated. How privileged and blessed I was to have parents who love me and could afford to send me to school and not just primary and secondary school but to university and post-grad as well. Sure, I still have loans but the point is...I had an education, I can make a life for myself, my future children and grandchildren. Many girls in the developing world never get this opportunity and those who do lose it. Not because they didn't try but because of poverty, slavery, human trafficking, and the culture itself. That can all be changed.
Girl Rising sends a powerful and inspirational message. Though girl education may be suppressed, oppressed, and even passed over...girls will never give up. They will triumph over adversity and sadness. They will stand for change no matter what they had to overcome. For Wadley, it was poverty and a massive earthquake. For Yasmin, it was rape.
Each and every story brought a familiar lump into my throat and clouded my vision. The courage, strength, and determination of these girls only reveal a small fraction of change that could be. It's not right, they shouldn't have to fight alone. Even when they have the support and aid of their loved ones, things are tough. Take for example, Ruksana. Her family lives on the streets because her father can either afford to pay for his 3 daughters' education or a living space. They chose education for the sake of their daughters' futures. 66 million girls are not given the chance to education. With education, they are healthier, earn 20% more as adults, marry older (as in not at ages of 7, 9, 11, and so on), have healthier children, and obtain a future for themselves and future generations. With education, girls can control their own lives -something which we take for granted.
Together, we can create change. To truly change the world, girls too have to be educated. Watch Girl Rising or better yet, set up a local screening. In a world powered by social media, won't you help spread the word?
Join me on my #Frockstar Adventures!
Check out my past reviews on the:
Gala 3/4 sleeve in Champagne || Lauren 3/4 sleeve in Plaid || Carmen 3/4 Sleeve in Teal & Tan Floral || Megan 3/4 Sleeve in Paisley || Penelope 3/4 sleeve in Creme Brulee Puchi || Josie Long Sleeve in Blue Houndstooth || 3 generations of Karina Dresses Frockstars || Penelope 3/4 Sleeve in Geometrics || Sleeveless Penelope || Sophie in lavender Geometric
Disclaimer: I attended a Girl Rising screening. I am a Karina Dresses Ambassador. No other form of compensation was received. Opinions expressed belong to Whirlwind of Surprises and are NOT influenced in any way. Please view my full disclosure, TOS, and privacy policy. Please take the time to enter my other giveaways while you're here.
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This is much in line with Karina Dresses beliefs. It is the reason they chose The Little Stars School (LSS) of Varanasi and created the LoveClub TM, Karina's loyalty program. Ever quarter, a percentage of every LoveClubTM membership is donated to LSS.
I always knew the importance of education. As I watched, I discovered just how lucky I was to be educated. How privileged and blessed I was to have parents who love me and could afford to send me to school and not just primary and secondary school but to university and post-grad as well. Sure, I still have loans but the point is...I had an education, I can make a life for myself, my future children and grandchildren. Many girls in the developing world never get this opportunity and those who do lose it. Not because they didn't try but because of poverty, slavery, human trafficking, and the culture itself. That can all be changed.
Girl Rising sends a powerful and inspirational message. Though girl education may be suppressed, oppressed, and even passed over...girls will never give up. They will triumph over adversity and sadness. They will stand for change no matter what they had to overcome. For Wadley, it was poverty and a massive earthquake. For Yasmin, it was rape.
Each and every story brought a familiar lump into my throat and clouded my vision. The courage, strength, and determination of these girls only reveal a small fraction of change that could be. It's not right, they shouldn't have to fight alone. Even when they have the support and aid of their loved ones, things are tough. Take for example, Ruksana. Her family lives on the streets because her father can either afford to pay for his 3 daughters' education or a living space. They chose education for the sake of their daughters' futures.
Together, we can create change. To truly change the world, girls too have to be educated. Watch Girl Rising or better yet, set up a local screening. In a world powered by social media, won't you help spread the word?
Join me on my #Frockstar Adventures!
Check out my past reviews on the:
Gala 3/4 sleeve in Champagne || Lauren 3/4 sleeve in Plaid || Carmen 3/4 Sleeve in Teal & Tan Floral || Megan 3/4 Sleeve in Paisley || Penelope 3/4 sleeve in Creme Brulee Puchi || Josie Long Sleeve in Blue Houndstooth || 3 generations of Karina Dresses Frockstars || Penelope 3/4 Sleeve in Geometrics || Sleeveless Penelope || Sophie in lavender Geometric
Follow WOS:
Google+ || GFC || @CinnyBBS || WOS on facebook || Pinterest || Blog Frog || Instagram

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