Well, the Disney Fairies take up a good chunk of my favorites. I'm a fan of Tink and her DIY ways. I love Fawn because of her ability to communicate with and take care of animals. Vidia for her love of speed and racing. Queen Clarion just shines with elegance and beauty. Periwinkle for her fashion sense. And of course, the Fairy Hobmother for spreading random cheer to bloggers everywhere. Rumor has it you may sometimes find him shopping in an appliance store. You may just catch ahold of him though if you leave him a trail to your blog in the comments below.
The magical fairy dust isn't dissipating yet. I've heard from a little bird that May's a good month for fans of Mickey and Doc McStuffins. On May 7th, “DOC MCSTUFFINS: TIME FOR YOUR CHECK UP”, the 2nd DVD compilation with 5 full episodes makes its debut in stores. It also comes with a free growth chart! Doc McStuffins was one of the top toys this past holiday season and I'm sure it'll continue to be judging from all the new toys I saw during Toy Fair a couple weeks ago.These are the 5 Episodes to be found on the DVD (Run time: 120 min):
1 – Gulpy, Gulpy Gators! / One Note Wonder
2 – Tea Party Tantrum / Blast Off!
3 – Arcade Escapade / Starry, Starry Night
4 – Bronto Boo-Boos / Brontosaurus Breath
5 – Doctoring The Doc / Hot Pursuit
“MICKEY MOUSE CLUBHOUSE: THE QUEST FOR CRYSTAL MICKEY” also makes it's DVD debut May 21st and features 5 episodes and a run time of 120 minutes. The bonus in this DVD includes a free adventure activity map and stickers.
1 – Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Quest for the Crystal Mickey
2 – Donald of the Desert
3 – Donald the Genie
4 – Goofy’s Coconutty Monkey
5 – Goofy’s Giant Adventure
What do you think? The fairies have dropped quite a few presents off today, haven't they?
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