Or so it seemed... Really, it was decent weather that day, at the bottom of The Peak. Unfortunately though, once you reached the top, the wind was blowing every which way and much colder than expected.
With a beautiful views of Hong Kong both before and after sunset, I couldn't help but want a portrait in my gorgeous dress. I'm not sure if it happened though. My hair had a life of it's own. Sometimes it was completely straight up...other times, it was just in my face. I think I finally got one where you see my face in it. Haha, it was totally like a shampoo commercial, right? After that we wandered back to the warmer lower levels and checked out the gorgeous city lights. In my opinion, it's especially pretty around Christmas with all the Christmas lighting. Dad actually took us to an area where they first took me to see Christmas lights my very first Christmas decades ago. It's nothing like how it was back then now but there were still fascinating areas nearby.We walked to the Avenue of Stars, which is kind of like the Chinese Walk of Fame and oh my gosh, there were way too many people. People were jam packed everywhere and you couldn't move without bumping into someone. At times, you couldn't move at all! It is, however, the best place to take pictures of the breath taking Christmas lights you see annually across the harbor. Another beautiful memory with Karina...haha, Karina is my favorite travel buddy now.
Check out my past reviews on the:
Gala 3/4 sleeve in Champagne || Lauren 3/4 sleeve in Plaid || Carmen 3/4 Sleeve in Teal & Tan Floral || Megan 3/4 Sleeve in Paisley ||
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I am bookmarking this. I have always been fascinated with HOng K0ng. Thanks so much!
That is a beautiful dress!
Wow, that is so cool that you got to go to Hong Kong and were asked to be in a commercial! It looks like a neat city, and that dress is gorgeous!
Everything looks so pretty, especially you!
I just love Karina dresses, they flatter every figure and are so easy to style!
oh how i love hong kong and miss it!!
Sandy a la Mode
Thanks for sharing your trip. Your dress looks really comfortable and fashionable!
That's pretty awesome that you got to be in a commercial. The dress is very pretty.
@Mrs. Stephens and everyone else, thanks for the kind comments! Haha, the commercial's a joke though. The wind was just blowing so hard that day that it seemed like I was filming a shampoo commercial. LOL
What a fun trip! Those Christmas lights are beautiful, and your dress is gorgeous!
You are right! Those Christmas lights are breathtaking!
Love these dresses. They are so pretty and look really comfortable.
You picked the cutest Karina Dress. Hope they are sponsoring you for Fashionista this year!
What a beautiful dress - love it and the scenic pictures are so awesome looking too
Are you kidding? That is so random and cool. That never happens to me. Love it! The dress is very unique and lovely!
I really like the dress and you look great too.
That dress is a whirlwind of color. I love how it stands out.
I really like this dress you are wearing! The color combinations are so flattering with your skin tone!
Love the dress you are wearing, the length, sleeves, and the pockets! Looks very comfy =)
You look beautiful! What great colors on the dress!
This creme brulee pattern is beautiful, I can see it working with many accessories to make it go for various occassions. I can see these dresses are popular with traveling people.
I like the pattern in this dress. You look great!
Entry form name: Marlene V
A beautiful dress on a beautiful woman,telling a beautiful story.Thanks so very much for sharing.I truly enjoyed.
What a fabulous story! I love the colors and choice of your Karina dress.
Love everything about this dress - the pattern and colors are great!
The dress reminds me of a favorite coffee drink. I love the colors for sure. The photos from up in a skyscraper gives me vertigo. Looks like you had some fun.
I like the print on this dress.
Wow, bucket list trip AND beautiful dress, lucky you!
I really like the 3/4 sleeve and the print of the Karina Dress. Very pretty.
I really like the pattern of this dress, very cool.
I love the unique pattern of this dress!
Love the print you wear it so well! I have always wanted to visit Hong Kong.
I like the dress. It looks really good on you. Thanks for the information.
I love the print and it does a lot for your alrready cute face! Thanks gals for all you do and for your reviews, tips, andgieveaways!
I've seen pictures of Hong Kong and I've seen it in movies and I always thought it looked like Las Vegas, but more interesting-I loved seeing your pictures!
This dress looked great on you! It looked very classy. Great pictures!
These dress looks so good on you. Very classy! Great pictures too.
I would love to visit Hong Kong! You wore a beautiful Karina dress for your commercial. I am sure it helped you feel comfortable since you never had to worry about your wardrobe.
What a fun print!
Oh, the Penelope is my favorite one, this dress is gorgeous and looks perfect on you. I have to have this dress. Thanks for showing it.
I love the pattern on this dress -- it's so mod! Plus, yay for dresses with sleeves!
What lovely pics. I would love to visit one day. The dress is gorge also:)
Your dress looks lovely with the Christmas lights!
Hong Kong is a beautiful city! Makes for a wonderful backdrop for that lovely Karina Dress! Thank you for sharing your experience and photos with us :-)
All of Karina dress are gorgeous. You picked a fabulous one and Frocked it for your commercial.
Oh my, that dress looks gorgeous on you! And the scenery is fantastic too!
I hope to see your commercial soon! You look Mahhhvelous Dahling!
I look good in graphic prints too. I'll have to check out Karina dresses!
Great outfit! Looks like you were very comfortable while you were traveling in style.
I love the style of this dress
Hong Kong looks amazing and so do you..
@KarinaDresses and #frockstar I like the megan style...so pretty! jean
I really like this dress a lot, I hope it would look nice on my body type.
What a nice looking stylish dress, would be nice to have to wear on an evening out with my fiance
what a great dress! love it!!
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