Ah, ever since I went to the red carpet premiere of Frankenweenie, I've wanted to get my hands on this! And I finally have, in 3D and BluRay! Did you go see it in theaters back in October? It's a heartwarming story about Victor Frankenstein and his dog, Sparky, in the town of New Holland. It's a story about the emotions one goes through when a loved pet passes and well, in Victor's case, he brings Sparky back to life through a science experiment!
Watching it the second time was still great and even better to own because it is the first 3D black and white film created. This is a part of film history and it's even been nominated for an Academy Award. I couldn't wait to watch this with the SO again. We love the stop motion animation and it's such a touching story line. I still don't find it overwhelmingly scary and believe that younger children would be able to enjoy it.
Being able to enjoy it in 3D is fun with the bonus features. With the 3D pack, you get to see two special shorts, one featuring Victor and Sparky's home movie and the other being Tim Burton's original Frankenweenie live-action short film. Other bonus features include "Miniatures in Motion: Bringing 'Frankenweenie' to Life", Frankenweenie Touring Exhibit, and the Plain White T's MV "Pet Sematary". Haha, Pet Sematary is quite catchy!!
Oh, but you know what, the ending credits song, "Strange Love" by Karen O, pretty much perfectly describes Frankenweenie:
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Watching it the second time was still great and even better to own because it is the first 3D black and white film created. This is a part of film history and it's even been nominated for an Academy Award.
Being able to enjoy it in 3D is fun with the bonus features. With the 3D pack, you get to see two special shorts, one featuring Victor and Sparky's home movie and the other being Tim Burton's original Frankenweenie live-action short film. Other bonus features include "Miniatures in Motion: Bringing 'Frankenweenie' to Life", Frankenweenie Touring Exhibit, and the Plain White T's MV "Pet Sematary". Haha, Pet Sematary is quite catchy!!
Oh, but you know what, the ending credits song, "Strange Love" by Karen O, pretty much perfectly describes Frankenweenie:
Love is strange.How perfect! It definitely is a strange love, a magical love between a boy and his dog, even in an electrified life. Sparky revived may look like a monster but the heart and goodness within is really all that matters. Right? Get it on your own on DVD today! Prices vary from $29.99US/$35.99Cdn to $49.99US/56.99Cdn. Here's a little something to tie you over until you pick up your own copy...a 19 page Science Activity pack! Just click the image to download.
When there's beauty on the inside,
the outside, there's nothing to change.
Strange love, strange love for one another.
Strange love, strange love for one another.
Can't judge a book by it's cover.

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Buy It: Shop online or in stores for Frankenweenie!
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Frankenweenie was one of my girls favorite movies last year. I am definitely picking this up for them! Thank you!
I tok my son to watch this movie and he really enjoyed it. I do like the added bonuses you get with the Cd and will consider ordering one.
My kids want to see this movie. It looks too cute. Can't wait to rent it!
I've heard great things about this movie and the activity sheets look fun!
I still haven't seen Frankenweenie!It looks like such a fun movie!
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