In the kit, I found a Dryel Pen ($2.97), Lint Roller ($1.99), Tide Odor Absorbing Travel Bag ($3.97), and a 3oz Downy Wrinkle Releaser ($1.47). While they are pretty self-explanatory by their name, I'm still going to go over several items since there are some pretty cool need to know facts. If you haven't noticed yet, everything is small, appropriately so, since it is a travel kit. Even so, the lint roller still has 30 sheets, pretty decent if you ask me. The Dryel Pen is one of those stain releaser pens. However, it is special. It is safe on your dry cleaning clothes! So with the numerous holidays and occasions coming up, this could be a life saver, whether its a stain on your suit or cocktail dress or even your regular clothes!
Oh, but I skipped a step. :) So what happens when you get to your destination and you open up your suitcase...only to find that meticulously pressed item of clothing that you had packed so carefully now wrinkled and unpresentable. What now? Whip out that tiny bottle of Downy Wrinkle Release, spray, tug, and hang! So simple and for $1.47 and its small enough to meet FAA requirements for carry-on liquids. This is going to be so worth it and will take off a lot of stress during these times of the year. I personally hate ironing and I'll show you pictures of how this stuff works in a different post coming up soon. I love it.
Anyhow, so end of your trip, you've got lots of dirty clothes and you haven't had a chance to go to the laundromat. What do you usually do with your stinky, smelly, and dirty clothing? I usually shove all of mine in a plastic bag and do the laundry when I get home. Not anymore! With Tide's Travel Laundry Bag, I won't have to worry about my stinky clothes because it absorbs odors. Besides that, it inhibits bacterial growth, all while being made out of a breathable fabric.
Buy It: Shop online for these travel-sized products: Dryel Pen ($2.97), Lint Roller ($1.99), Tide Odor Absorbing Travel Bag ($3.97), and 3oz Downy Wrinkle Releaser ($1.47).
Win It: 3 Whirlwind of Surprises' reader will win a Travel Kit (~$11) with all these items mentioned above for themselves. Come back to enter the giveaway!
Disclaimer: The product/s mentioned above have been provided for the purposes of this review. No other form of compensation was received. Opinions expressed belong to Whirlwind of Surprises and are NOT influenced in any way. Please view my full disclosure.
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Until next time,

Oh this is a fantastic set. There are so many times I've could have used this!
Thanks for sharing!
These products were obviously designed by someone who travels and understands the issues with stains and dirty laundry. Genius!! I love when someone invents something that really solves a problem.
That pen sounds interesting.
I love the idea behind these products! I hate ironing and love the idea that I dont have to anymore. Thanks for the great review!
We travel a lot.... this could really come in handy!
Great products!
The Dryel pen sounds would be so convenient.cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
I love travel size products.
The Dryel pen sounds great. I've never seen one that is safe for dry-clean only clothes.
Travel size products sure do come in handy! :)
This is a great travel kit for any traveler.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
What a great kit! I don't have kids, but I think I could use this, especially on long road trips!
rebthecatsitter at gmail.com
What a practical way to handle a trip - I love, love love the idea of the odor absorbing bag.
ky2here at msn dot com
So need this set for traveling. Especially with 5 kids and a husband that thinks everything should fit in a duffle bag for week long trips!
This travel kit is a great idea.
One year when we were on vacation, our Son pumping gas and got some on his clothes. I had to go to the hotel desk to get a couple of garbage bags ot put hit peants in, lest the whole hotel room would have smelled of gas.
This package would be great to take along on our next vacation. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity. ~Pauline
The travel bag sounds like a great idea! I usually throw my smelly clothes in a bag and am always concerned that they will infect my clean clothes with odor! This would solve that problem!
I would love to try the Downy Wrinkle Release! My little ones can never keep their Sunday clothes neat and this would be a lifesaver
Frugalslhf@hotmail dot com
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I love the kit. I need to put together my own. I just got back from a trip and realize how much a kit like this is needed.
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