Saturday, October 8, 2011

#Wonka Exceptionals #Chocolate #Review

OH MY GOSH! Who loves chocolate? You're going to love this! When I was sent some of Wonka's Exceptionals Chocolate to try out, I melted when I opened my box of chocolates! In it contained some nommy flavors. There were 2 new flavors which included Triple Dazzle Caramel (milk chocolate filled with luscious caramel, dazzled with sea salt) and Fantabulous Fudge (milk chocolate stuffed with fudge). I also received Chocolate Waterfall (milk and white chocolate) and Scrumdiddlyumptious (chunks of toffee, crispies and peanuts in rich milk chocolate) to review.

The yummy deliciousness was so good! Each chocolate bar melted in my mouth and its like I couldn't resist but to take another bite. So smooth, so rich, so scrumptious! This is some super yummy chocolate. I would have to say that I can't pick a favorite because I liked them so much. LOL, even my SO, who isn't a big fan of sweets, couldn't help himself but say it was good. :) Even the naming and packaging is super elegant and fancy and makes you dream of the Chocolate Factory. Could I please please visit?? I'll be good, I promise. :)

If you haven't seen the Wonka Imagination Room yet, you should definitely check it out. I had a lot of fun being silly and playing around with it. Your kids will have a blast with this.

Buy ItWonka Exceptionals Chocolate is available at your local grocery stores! 

Win It: 1 Whirlwind of Surprises' reader will win a 16 bars of Wonka Exceptionals ($38) for themselves, 4 of each flavor!! Come back to enter the giveaway! Make it easier on yourself by showing the sponsor some love now: Like Wonka on facebook. Follow @WONKAnation.

Disclaimer: The product/s mentioned above have been provided for the purposes of this review. No other form of compensation was received. Opinions expressed belong to Whirlwind of Surprises and are NOT influenced in any way. Please view my full disclosure.

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                                                         Until next time,


turq said...[Reply]

I LoVe Chocolate!!! but I've never tasted a Wonka's Chocolate Bar, I bet they are all mmmm so Good!
Triple Dazzle Caramel sounds Scrumdiddlyumptious for sure!

Unknown said...[Reply]

following you on GFC would love a follow back

Unknown said...[Reply]

following wonkaween on facebook

Ann M Heilman Parker

Unknown said...[Reply]

following wonka on twitter


Dee W said...[Reply]

They sound awesome. I love Wonka products. I'm heading to the store tomm, and am going to see if they have any of the Scrumdiddlyumptious.

Shawna said...[Reply]

Love the Caramel ones! YUMMY!

Anonymous said...[Reply]

i've wanted to try these for a while! i remember the wonka bars when the remake movie came out, they were GREAT! i normally don't like graham crackers but the graham cracker and chocolate of those tasted so good! I don't know what happened to them but these look great!

Anonymous said...[Reply]

These look and sound SO delicious, especially the Scrumdiddlyumptious ヅ Thanks for your honest review!

*Brittany C* said...[Reply]

I love chocolate!
I follow you on GFC, Network blogs, and facebook

Carol L. said...[Reply]

I love chocolate. Their packaging is awesome. Thanks for making my mouth water when you described how good it was. :)
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

clc408 said...[Reply]

I haven't tried these yet. They look delicious!

Karla S said...[Reply]

Oh my!! Sounds so yummy! I have never even heard talk of this chocoalte before or tried it,I thought it was only a sure want to try it now!!

Unknown said...[Reply]

yum, these sound delicious! I can't wait to try them!
stigay at

Unknown said...[Reply]

OOHhhHH! I LOvE Willie Wonka! this chocolate is so delicious! I am entering!

Unknown said...[Reply]

I am so entering this giveaway! LOL I love Wonka chocolate!

js22 said...[Reply]

Yum! I've had the three old flavors, and I loved Scrumdiddlyumptious the most!! I'm entering your giveaway so I can try the two new flavors too!! Just the thought of that caramel one makes me drool!
I can't believe you couldn't pick out a favorite!

Suz said...[Reply]

I love chocolate but have never tried Wonka! They all sound great!

susanw28 (at) mindspring (dot) com

Rebby said...[Reply]

Oh MY! Who doesn't LOVE Wonka?? The only thing better than eating a Wonka bar would be visiting the Wonka factory! I still can't give up that dream, I've wanted to do it since I was a kid!!
rebthecatsitter at

Huguette En said...[Reply]

Sounds so yummy! Nothing better than chocolate :) I definitely want to try Wonka's!

makeetis said...[Reply]
This comment has been removed by the author.
makeetis said...[Reply]

I would love to try the chocolate waterfall chocolate. I haven't tried any of these wonka products. I do love wonka's other candies but I don't think I have tried their chocolate. Sounds delightful.

Angel Jacklyn said...[Reply]


~April~ said...[Reply]

I LOVE chocolate and the Scrumdiddlyumptious sounds like it would be to die for good...

Denise G said...[Reply]


Andrea said...[Reply]

I love any kind of chocolate! These sound so good!

Bidchka said...[Reply]

I love chocolate and Wonka Chocolate is no exception.

trublujo said...[Reply]

MMMMMM chocolate!!! (wipes the drool from her chin)

Ricki said...[Reply]

I'm already in love with the Caramel bar so I would love to try the Fudge Bar!

RickiReviews at gmail dot com

Unknown said...[Reply]

Love Wonka Chocolate!

fryrebecca3 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...[Reply]

I think the Fantabulous Fudge sounds yummy!!

Lexiquin said...[Reply]

oh, these sound so yummy! I think I'd especially like Scrumdiddlyumptious and Triple Dazzle Caramel

LJ13 said...[Reply]

The Triple Dazzle Caramel sounds sooo good! :)

Rebecca Shockley said...[Reply]

I'm still looking for the Golden ticket, I love these candy bars! I have shown Wonka some serious love

Anonymous said...[Reply]

I have not tried Wonka Bars yet but it's chocolate, right? I want some!


Crystal said...[Reply]

Those sound delicious. I bought a couple chocolates from them a few years ago for the first time, and was really surprised bow how much I liked their chocolate!

carolwegs said...[Reply]

Yum, these look so good.
carolwegs at gmail dot com

Amanda said...[Reply]

Those look so yummy! I love chocolate

nicolesender said...[Reply]

Wonks chocolate is Exceptional! I love all the flavors.

Unknown said...[Reply]

rafflecopter not working after 3 refreshes on this post

♡♥♬ Raven In A Blue Room ♬♥♡ said...[Reply]

these chocolates look delicious!

gspot12 said...[Reply]

I'm glad you said they taste good, I wasn't sure when I saw them in a candy store, and didn't buy them!

clynsg said...[Reply]

As a chocoholic, this would be a marvelous one to win.

cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com

clynsg said...[Reply]

Would try the Fantabulous Fudge first.

cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com

Allison Downes said...[Reply]

These look yummy! Thansk for the review!

Lisa Garner said...[Reply]

I love chocolate of all kinds and the Wonka bars definitely sound wonderful!

Lisa Garner

flychild7 said...[Reply]

I love all chocolate and so do all the kids

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...[Reply]

The Fantabulous Fudge sounds like it would be my favorite.


Krystalme said...[Reply]

I will eat any chocolate that doesn't eat me first!

krystalchipper (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...[Reply]

Chocolate is my middle name!

Unknown said...[Reply]

I have not tried any Wonka chocolate bars yet, but the Scrumdiddlyumptious sounds fantabulous!

Unknown said...[Reply]

trying to get rafflecopter to work grrr

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