I've had my share of food going bad. My fruits and veggies getting disgusting and half thrown out before I could eat it. So when I learnt of BluApple, this magical item that is supposed to keep fruits and vegetables fresher longer, I knew I needed to try it out. Seriously, I waste so much money in attempts to buy "healthy" food for me but in the end, its wasted money if I throw half of it or more away. Did you know the average 4 person family throws away about $600 in spoiled food a year? That's a LOT of money!

I like how you can use them anywhere you store your produce. It doesn't necessarily have to be in the refrigerator. It can stay in your fruit bowl and help out that way too. I am really happy with this since money saved is money earned. Plus, I get to eat my healthy foods before they get wasted! Visit BluApple for more information.
Buy It: The BluApple is available at various stores or in a 2 pack online for 9.95! Not a bad deal considering how much you'll save prolonging your produce freshness. A 12 month refill kit is $9.95.
Win It: BluApple was generous enough to offer 3 Whirlwind of Surprises' reader the chance to win a 2 pack of BluApple for themselves. Come back to enter the giveaway! Make it easier on yourself by showing the sponsor some love now: Like BluApple on facebook.
Disclaimer: The product/s mentioned above have been provided for the purposes of this review. No other form of compensation was received. Opinions expressed belong to Whirlwind of Surprises and are NOT influenced in any way. Please view my full disclosure.
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Until next time,

These look amazing. I have veggies and fruit go bad quite often, which makes me feel horrible, and these might help a lot. :)
Dana Beeman: danabeeman(at)gmail(dot)com
I had a CSA subscription and received farm fresh veggies every week. Unfortunately, most of them spoiled within a few days. I wish that I would have had Blue Apple at the time, because it could have saved us a lot of grief. I just hate wasting food!
I wonder if there are other products like this on the market? it seems like such a great yet simple idea! I like that use can use them in household plants too!
kohines at gmail dot com
Thank you for your review! This is something my family could use! My daughter will only eat maybe half of an apple and it usually goes to waste!
I could also use a banana one LOL
I really want to try this! It's hard to feel 'succesfully frugal' when you end up throwing out produce that didn't get eaten in time. Drives me nuts...and happens waaaay too often in our home. BluApple is on my Christmas list!
I hate to waste food, but sometimes it just happens.
These would be a great help to our household, thanks.
I so need to get some of these... I have been just getting canned veggies and fruit because there is no way me by myself can eat fresh before it spoils...
These sound AMAZING!!!! I often do not get all my fruits & veggies used before they go bad too! I cannot imagine being able to save all that money & food!!!!
I really need a few of these. Our fruit always seems to go bad before we get to it all.
I've wanted to try these since i first heard about them...i just havent been able to find them locally.
jamiewhittington at yahoo dot com
I could really use the BluApple to keep my produce fresh for a longer period of time. Liked Bluapple on fb: Nicole Sender.
These would be great because I have been buying more fresh fruits and veggies because I'm trying to eat healthier and save money by not eating out as much.
skipthelaundry at gmail dot com
This would be so handy when my garden tomatoes all come ripe at once!
I've been wanting to try this!
These seem interesting, would like to try it.
Awesome!! Anything to make life easier and food last longer!
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