Friday, July 9, 2010

Fun Follow Fridays

My Wee View friday-followSmart and Trendy Moms badgeLet's Just Give It Away

After a 2 week hiatus and my schedule slowing down a little, I'm finally able to do Fun Follow Friday again! Have fun, leave me a comment and thanks to the blogs for hosting! Check out my blog and let me know what you think. ...And the best thing is, I always follow back so leave me a comment so I make sure I don't miss you!

Until next time,

Like what you see? Follow me on GFC and twitter (@CinnyBBS) to get the latest updates.


KristinMarieCA said...[Reply]

I'm now following you from Fun Follow Friday! You've got a great blog :) Feel free to stop by and visit me also. And have a great weekend!!


Claude said...[Reply]

Thanks for the follow, I follow back!

Naturally Creative Mama said...[Reply]

Thanks for stopping by. I am following you back!

Family-Friendly Product Reviews said...[Reply]

Thanks so much for the follow! I'm following you now too...have a wonderful weekend!

Paula said...[Reply]

Hi! I'm visiting from Friendly Friday. I signed up to be a new follower.

Debby said...[Reply]

I'm a new follower. Check out my blog at

Love the title of the blog!!

dustinnikki said...[Reply]

Hi! I'm your newest follower from Friendly Friday!

Check out our giveaways!

Erin said...[Reply]

Hello, I'm a new follower from Social Parade. Have a great weekend!


Unknown said...[Reply]

Thanks for dropping by and following. Im following you back. I hope you have a great weekend.

Unknown said...[Reply]

Thanks for joining my Follow Me Friday. I am following back. Hope to see you again next Friday.


stash mama said...[Reply]

Thanks for the follow!!! I am totally following you back now!! Stash Mama

Keli said...[Reply]

thanks for the follow, i'm following you back! Have a great weekend!

Let's Just Give It Away said...[Reply]

Following you back from Following Friday!

Luster Canyon said...[Reply]

Thank you for following us...we are now a follower of you as well. :)

Anonymous said...[Reply]

Following you through friendly friday.

Rajee said...[Reply]

Thanks for link up Time to Follow
Followed your blog, username Rajee
Nice to meet you!

Sorry that your comment in my blog went to spam and approved it. I think you just started your blog. Tips to work with companies or PR:
First try to email them to start to do review/giveaway in their small products and slowly you come up to work with big companies. Hope this helps!

Unknown said...[Reply]

HI!! I just signed up to follow you! Have a great weekend!

My Wee View said...[Reply]

Thanks for participating in fun Follow Fridays, I'm your newest follower!


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