Take a look around my blog. I'd love it if you followed me; I follow back! Just leave me a comment so I make sure I don't miss you. This week we are visiting blogs and following facebook!

Welcome to the Traveling Through Thursday Blog Hop, hosted by Living on Love and Cents, Mom On Dealz, Prenda Le Stelle, and Clipping for Cash! Traveling Through Thursday and a new kind of blog hop! We will betraveling to a new destination each week!
1st week -Google Friend Connect
2nd week - Facebook3rd week - Twitter
4th week - Networked BlogsEach week we will randomly pick a Spotlight Blog of the Week! To be choosen you must follow the rules and have our button somewhere on your blog. (We have to be able to find it!)
Join us on our journey as we discover new blogs and gain new followers every week!
The rules are super simple!
1. Follow the Thraveling Through Thursday Hosts (Listed as # 1-4) as well as the Spotlighted Blog of the Week (listed as #5)
2. Link up ONLY THE NETWORK being featured this week (twitter, facebook, google, or network blog)-Others will be deleted.
3. Grab our Traveling Through button and include it in a post about the event on your blog.
4. Visit as many blogs as you would like and follow them. Be sure to tell them you are a new follower from Traveling Through Thursday!
5. Follow back as many followers as you would like from TravelingThrough Thursday. Following back is appreciated!
Help spread the word and get more followers:
-Put the same linky list code on your blog and you'll have the exact same list!
- Your blog visitors can add their blog to your list and it will show up on all lists!
-Don't forget to add this button to your blog so that you can participate in a our "Spotlight Blog of the Week"!

Like what you see? Follow me on GFC and twitter (@CinnyBBS) to get the latest updates. Like us on facebook or join us through Network Blogs. Leave me a comment if you'd like me to follow back on any of these.

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