I enjoy how everything is labeled "breakfast", "lunch", "dinner", or "dessert". It really makes it easy to sort things out. At the same time, you can mix/match whichever combination you'd like. They're also color-coded by meals so that makes it so convenient when I'm running out the door in the morning and trying to grab a couple things for the day. The food itself tastes decent so far. Some of the items are a tad too sweet for my liking but I definitely have some favorites in what I've tried so far!
How am I doing? Well, it is portion-sized so compared to what I'm used to eating, the portions feel super small and that I'm not quite used to. So...I am cheating a little and adding in other foods during the meal to make the portions slightly bigger. Its not that I'm still hungry. However, I log them in so that I get a realistic picture. This is getting better near the end of the week. I have also noticed that with the system in place, I find myself resisting eating random foods a lot more. I try to force myself to stick with the system and eat recommended snacks/fruits/veggies instead of whatever I crave.
The only complaint I really have is regarding the online tracking system. When you first set up your profile, the folks at Nutrisystem put in your starting weight for you. So, unfortunately, although I gave them my weight to begin with and I had gained a bit over the holidays, that starting number was incorrect. They have been unable to fix it so far and as a result, I've "gained" 0.6lb when the reality is that I've actually lost 2.2lbs. The goal weight loss is also calculated assuming every one is medium framed (in my case, 10+lbs), which we all know isn't true. Everyone varies in size and shape (I will post a beginning picture of me in next week's post), but I can guarantee that you won't believe what weight I started with. I'm small framed so my recommended weight loss is 20+lbs. Unfortunately, their system is stubborn and refuses to allow any changes. Regardless, I'd say a 2.2lb loss so far is pretty good, right? Check in next week to follow my progress.
Buy It: Want to join Nutrisystem too? Call 1-888-853-4689 OR visit Nutrisystem online.
Disclaimer: The product/s mentioned above have been provided free for the purposes of this review. No other form of compensation was received. Opinions expressed belong to Whirlwind of Surprises and are NOT influenced in any way. Please view my full disclosure.
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Until next time,

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