A little part of us always wishes to be the hero or heroine in a book or a movie. With YourNovel.com, that easily becomes reality. YourNovel.com Inc. is the brainchild of husband/wife writing team Kathy M. Newbern and J.S. Fletcher, who together is the author known as Fletcher Newbern. They developed the concept and founded the company in 1992 and have written 20 of the 28 current novels available. Interestingly enough, when they aren't writing romance novels, they travel, visiting many of the exotic locations used as settings in their novels.
When not writing romance, they work as travel writers, have visited every continent, and have visited many of the exotic locations that are the settings for their personalized romance novels. The particular book I chose to review was "Island of Love", written by the couple. Featuring Tahiti and the South Seas, this adventure is filled with love, danger, and breath-taking moments.

I loved how their books could be personalized. You put in a variety of information including your hair/eye color, names, nicknames, friends, car type, favorite radio stations, how long the couple has been in a relationship, and so on. You can even dedicate to your loved one in the front of the book. It just doesn't get any sweeter than that. It could be the love story of your life! More options include choosing e-books, paperback or hardback. Then, there's my personal favorite...to make things even more personalized, you can actually put a couple's picture on the cover! Anyways, being a romance novel, I'm sure you're wondering how steamy do things get? Well, you can choose the more conservative version (mild) or go wild. Mild typically refers to things like hugs and kisses, whereas wild is steamier in nature. Either way, the storyline is the same but tempered to suit your tastes.
Prices vary depending on the version of the book chosen. It'll cost a bit more for hardcover books or with a picture but what a romantic idea? If I had to personalize something for my parents, I'd probably choose a mild version but how cute would that be? It'd be unique but a love story just for them. This is a great gift idea for your loved one or your friends. Where else in the world are you going to find a personalized book?

I loved how their books could be personalized. You put in a variety of information including your hair/eye color, names, nicknames, friends, car type, favorite radio stations, how long the couple has been in a relationship, and so on. You can even dedicate to your loved one in the front of the book. It just doesn't get any sweeter than that. It could be the love story of your life! More options include choosing e-books, paperback or hardback. Then, there's my personal favorite...to make things even more personalized, you can actually put a couple's picture on the cover! Anyways, being a romance novel, I'm sure you're wondering how steamy do things get? Well, you can choose the more conservative version (mild) or go wild. Mild typically refers to things like hugs and kisses, whereas wild is steamier in nature. Either way, the storyline is the same but tempered to suit your tastes.
Prices vary depending on the version of the book chosen. It'll cost a bit more for hardcover books or with a picture but what a romantic idea? If I had to personalize something for my parents, I'd probably choose a mild version but how cute would that be? It'd be unique but a love story just for them. This is a great gift idea for your loved one or your friends. Where else in the world are you going to find a personalized book?
Buy It: Shop online for your own personal love story. A paperback book is $49.95.
Win It: 1 Whirlwind of Surprises' reader will get the chance to win a personalized book for themselves. Come back to enter the giveaway as part of the One Stop Christmas Hop Nov 29-Dec 06 with $430+ in prizes! Make it easier on yourself by showing the sponsors some love now: Like YourNovel.com on facebook. Follow @YourNovelcom.
Disclaimer: The product/s mentioned above have been provided for the purposes of this review. No other form of compensation was received. Opinions expressed belong to Whirlwind of Surprises and are NOT influenced in any way. Please view my full disclosure.
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Until next time,

I love this idea. Who wouldn't want a personalized romance novel?!?
i really think this clever and iam considering making a purchase after this review
I think I'd be really interested in a novel having to do with me and my SO! If you can't live it for real, you can at least live it in fantasy!
This does sound like something fun for maybe someone's anniversary! Great idea
Shannon Gallagher
lovescrissangel at hotmail dot com
Awesome concept. We all want to feel special.
That's a really interesting concept.
That's really unique!
Aranda Gibbs
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