Monday, November 14, 2011

#HolidayHunt -Holiday #Turkey Hunt Sponsor Spotlight: #Cisco #Linksys E4200 #Wireless #Router #Review


I am one of those people that cannot live without internet. LOL...I'll admit it and I was getting really upset when I pay extra for the higher speed internet but unfortunately was experiencing half the speed I was paying for, even when I was connected by cable. I should also mention that my wireless was no longer working at this point as well. It got to the point where I couldn't load more than a tab at a time and even then, it took a good several minutes to load a site. After almost a year of going back and forth with my Cable company,  we finally determined that my router was the source of all this trouble. It was effectively cutting down my internet speed by half for no apparent reason. At the same time, Cisco came to the rescue and allowed me to review their Cisco Linksys E4200 Maximum Performance Dual-Band N Router.

OMG...what a difference it made. Let me tell you the specs first as from their site.
Its a maximum performance dual-band N Router. The Linksys E4200 offers ultra fast speed to connect your computers, Internet-ready TVs, game consoles, and other Wi-Fi devices at transfer rates up to 300 + 450 Mbps speed. A full 3x3 MIMO antenna array boosts signal strength to allow for accessibility throughout your home. Double your network bandwidth with dual-band N (2.4 and 5 GHz) in order to avoid interference and maximize throughput for smoother and faster HD video streaming, file transfers, and wireless gaming. Use the four Gigabit Ethernet (10/100/1000) ports for quick file sharing, 10x faster than standard Ethernet, between other Gigabit-enabled devices like computers, hard drives, and servers. The USB port lets you add a range of USB storage devices such as flash drives and external hard drives to share files at home or over the Internet for greater access to more information. The built-in UPnP AV Media Server enables seamless streaming of your video and media files to an Xbox 360, PS3, or other UPnP compatible device.
Starting from the beginning, I loved the sleek look of this router. So simple, so sleek, so sexy. It is by far the best looking router I've ever owned. My internet speed was back and I loved it. My wireless internet was functioning and when hooked to the cable, I was experiencing speeds I should've always had. Plus, even with all our gadgets hooked up, the performance was still there.  The set up was very simple and easy with the installation DVD. I'm usually the one that installs routers, printers, and all the technology in the family, but I have no doubts in my mind that even a beginner would be able to install this Linksys E4200 Router. During the set-up, I was giddy to find that there's even a guest-mode function. So, not only do you set up security on the router to prevent others from your general wifi network, there is also a wifi network separate for your guests to use. That's so cool! So, if your friends come to visit or your neighbor or whoever needs to temporarily borrow your internet, you can just give them access to the guest network.

I also noticed that my wireless signal was stronger and better even if I was a couple rooms away from the router location. You can also hook up your hard drives to the router so that all of the computers on your network may access the data. However, for large files transfers, I would recommend just plugging the hard drive into your computer. I also work from a MAC so Cisco gets bonus marks for being able to produce a great router that's compatible with both PC's and MACs. There are also parental controls for those of you worried about your children's internet access so its really a well-rounded product. Maximum performance? I agree! What about you? Win one here in the Holiday Turkey Hunt. This will be the perfect router to set up the Xbox 360 and other gaming systems with.

Buy It: Shop online for Cisco Linksys E4200 Maximum performance Dual Band N Router ($179.99). Currently on sale for $159.99.

Win It: Cisco has been incredibly generous and offered 1 Whirlwind of Surprises' reader the chance to win a Cisco Linkysys E4200 Router ($180) for themselves. Come back to enter the giveaway as part of the Holiday Turkey Hunt Nov 25-Dec 09 with $250+ in prizes + an Xbox 360! Winner must not have won a Linksys Router from any blog in the past 6 months. Make it easier on yourself by showing the sponsors some love now: Like Cisco Linksys on facebook. Follow @officiallinksys.

Disclaimer: The product/s mentioned above have been provided for the purposes of this review. No other form of compensation was received. Opinions expressed belong to Whirlwind of Surprises and are NOT influenced in any way. Please view my full disclosure.

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                                                         Until next time,


Danielle S said...[Reply]

I could use this since my daughters have decided to get their own laptops and want internet throughout the house now.

Anonymous said...[Reply]

I love sexy electronics and I would love to have my speed back thank you for the review.
(Stephanie Phelps)

d schmidt said...[Reply]

This item is great, the guest mode option is fantastic!

♡♥♬ Raven In A Blue Room ♬♥♡ said...[Reply]

love the design, and that there is a separate mode for guests

Jan Messali said...[Reply]

I too can't live without the internet. This looks like a good router.

John Joseph said...[Reply]

what a great giveaway! goodluck all

whittenwins said...[Reply]

This would make my internet life easier! Great giveaway! Thanks!

Unknown said...[Reply]

My Int. speed is SO awful! I am thinking the useful DVD could even help ME hook this up. My hubby would be in shock to see that.


ejrichter60 at gmail dot com

Melinda C said...[Reply]

We pay for the most expensive internet and sometimes my pages won't even load! I know why!!

Kelly D said...[Reply]

With 4 teenagers in the house and all their gadgets - this would make life so much better!

Carol L. said...[Reply]

I love the sleek lines of this Router. Thank you for the opportunity. Can't live without the internet. :)
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Laura J Harrison said...[Reply]

Routers are the best. I have one but it is not near as nice as the one you reviewed. My daughter attends college and she needs a router in the worse way.

meggie said...[Reply]

i agree i love the look, and the performance doesn't disappoint either.

audsweep said...[Reply]

I need a new wireless router so bad! I am only able to get internet on one computer at a time. So my roommate and I have to do our school work at opposite times! What a pain!

Robin Quick said...[Reply]

My hubby is really wanting one of these. We need a new router & this one looks like it could be the one!. . . You listening Santa? lol

bobbies superpoints said...[Reply]

i just had to replace my router and bought one of these. works great

Pameula said...[Reply]

This would be really neat to get.

Kayla Merie said...[Reply]

I would love to get one of these for my mom, her router cuts out alot and has be reset all the time.

jennifer dunkelmann hon said...[Reply]

I just got the hubby an xbox for christmas so this would be awesome for us to have with the xbox and laptops.

One nutty wife said...[Reply]

anything fast or even faster like cisco is fine with me lol

Denise said...[Reply]

Wonder if this is what's wrong with our speed? hummmmm..... Thanks for the review!

JustSpecial said...[Reply]

The Linksys E4200 router (and other Linksys routers) are getting top ratings in many reviews. I have used Linksys products for many years and need a upgrade. If I don't win this router, I will be purchasing a new router. I don't know which model, but it WILL be a Linksys!

Kristina said...[Reply]

this should be better than my ancient linksys router

ArleneWhit said...[Reply]

This would be a lifesaver for anyone as it would cut down on dangerous wires and cords throughout the house!

Anonymous said...[Reply]

I like the space saving design!

Marthalynn said...[Reply]

I love that you can stream files with this to your xbox or ps3!

Unknown said...[Reply]

This sounds wonderful! I know my husband & boys would love to have this and I definitely would.... so those lazy mornings I can lay in bed and enter all these wonderful giveaways!!!

Thank you so much for the chance to win!!!

okj83 at live dot com

michelleplummer said...[Reply]

Thanks for the giveaway.

Michigan_Mom said...[Reply]

This would be perfect for our family!!

Kelly Burroughs Crowell - kjb1977 at

guettel78 said...[Reply]

I agree with you completely - the sleek look of the router is a really nice change from the routers I've had in the past, and the fact you can create a separate login for guests is a big plus. Thanks for the review!

Geoff K

Helen said...[Reply]

I desperately need one of these

trishden said...[Reply]

Nice review, this might just be the router that would allow me to get wifi upstairs. Thanks!


tamathamc said...[Reply]

my router is old & slow, this one sounds so much better

Anonymous said...[Reply]

I am renting a router through my cable company. I would love to have this one

Unknown said...[Reply]

I desperately need a new one. Ours is a piece of garbage.

giveawaymommy at yahoo dot com

Ashley Morrow said...[Reply]

Great review. I've been looking for a router that offers a better wireless connection, in my home.

Anonymous said...[Reply]

I like the guest mode function. Thank you for the giveaway!!

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