We all know that this is a sensitive subject but in my honest opinion, I support this cause. Now, I'm not telling you to go buy a kit and force your kid to take the test but I have just seen too much in my own life and even in the hospitals in my career so far. So I paired up with Teensavers to do this post. Read the guest post done by Teensavers Drug Test creator and president of Teensaver Diagnostics, Steve Stahovich. He has been through the experience and has been able to fight off his addictions and now uses his past experiences to help others.
Steve Stahovich:

Marijuana is easier for kids to get than alcohol. It’s always around. A joint conveniently fits in a pocket or purse, while beer or a bottle of vodka does not. Prescription drugs are the smallest, most sinister substances. Children are pulling them from the family medicine cabinet. What once eased dad’s shoulder surgery pain or mom’s back aches is now helping little Timmy or Mary get high. Kids aren’t afraid to sneak a pill. Do you know how many pills you’ve taken when you are mid-prescription? Most parents are unaware. Kids love pills. Why? They don’t have an odor, they are free at home, and they’re easily concealed. But kids are in trouble when the supply at home runs dry. To maintain their opiate fix they either buy pills on the street for $25, or they turn to heroin. Heroin costs about $6 and it’s a stronger high. Getting an adolescent user off opiates is very difficult. I know. I was a teen addict.
After my family got me help, I entered the addiction and treatment field. In 1994, I became the Director of Operations at Sober Living by the Sea. I saw a deeper level of pain caused by this drug use. Parents were despondent. Many of them had never faced this type of family crisis. Treatment is a two-pronged process. I helped the user and counseled the family. It was rewarding helping bring these families back together. I went on to help open and manage the Domus Retreat, an after-care facility for rapid opiate detox patients treated by the Waismann Method. These addicts may be the most sick. Heroin and other opiates are extremely difficult to break from. The first question parents frequently asked me was, “How did this happen?” They usually followed up asking, “How could we have caught it at home?”
I helped create the Teensavers Home Drug Test Kit for parents after several years of success helping hospitals, businesses, and jails educate and test their employees. Our test is the easiest to use and easiest to read. And while the Teensavers Home Drug Test Kit is FDA approved, 99.9% accurate, and the #1 recommended brand by addiction specialists, it goes beyond the science of a preliminary positive or negative result. We included a free lab confirmation kit that provides you with specific scientific confirmation. You will know if your teen took one puff of a joint, or is a habitual pot user. We often see teens admitting to smoking marijuana, but then a drug test reveals other narcotics. Our free lab services provide you with the answers you need to plan the right course of action. Why treat a teen for marijuana, when that child has a secret heroin addiction? Home drug testing does not have to be accusatory. It can help build trust. Parents can introduce it in exchange for a later curfew, or the use of a family car. We recommend that parents take tests with their teens to help eliminate the feeling that the child is being singled out. After all, drug-free parents set the example for children.
The key to the Teensavers Home Drug test Kit is helping your family towards a total solution. We have a free 24 hour-a-day, 7 day-a-week hotline with trained counselors. They can guide you on how to approach your teen, how to use the test, or answer any questions you have on treatment options. When faced with a preliminary positive test, many parents are overwhelmed by feelings of betrayal, anger, hurt, and sorrow. Our hotline is there whenever you need us. The medicine cabinet can hold the answers for many of our common ailments, but it also can be the flashpoint for a child’s drug use. It may be time to arm your medicine cabinet with a test to stop your teen from ever using the first time.
I hope you found this guest post educational. Again, we are not asking you to judge your children, but this is a way to try and screen for it, prevent it before its too late. Drug use not only affects the user, it affects their entire family. There is a gentler way to go about this. Honestly, I think it'd be interesting to take a drug screening test and see how it works but that's just my inner geek showing. Interested in more information? Visit their blog.
Want to try it? Teensavers have a variety of different screening tests available online in their store. Purchase the Teensavers 12 Home Drug Test Kit ($42.99USD) online and it will test for Marijuana, Cocaine, Methampetamines, Opiates, Oxycodone, Ecstasy, Benzodiazepines, Barbiturates, Amphetamines, PCP, Methadone and Tricyclic Antidepressants. Or, you could try your luck out here! Teensavers has been generous enough to offer 2 of Whirlwind of Surprises’ readers a Teensavers 12 Home Drug Test Kit of their own. That’s 2 grand prizes worth $42.99 each! Win it!.
Disclaimer: The product/s mentioned above have been provided free of charge from Teensavers for the purposes of this giveaway and guest post. No other form of compensation was received. Opinions expressed belong to Whirlwind of Surprises and are NOT influenced in any way. Please view my full disclosure.
Until next time,

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Hey,Really This is very nice information about medicine and everybody like it.
I agree - it is really important to catch these things early on before it's too late. Thanks for the information.
This is definitely an issue that needs to be addressed on a continuous basis. Our kids' safety (and possibly their lives) depend upon us, as parents, to know exactly what they are doing, when, and with whom. Thanks for sharing!
You know, I wouldn't feel one bit bad about "Violating" my kids privacy to get to the bottom of this terrible problem! Thanks for the excellent info.
The CHief Blonde
I wish that there was something like this available back a few years for my parents to use with my sister. If we are to curb this issue with drug abuse it needs to be caught asap before the person is knee deep in addiction. Every parent should have this kit at home and explain to their children that they do no wish to violate their privacy only that they love them and are doing it in their best interest. Tough topic though, no matter how you slice it.
Unfortunately, we are dealing with this problem right now in our home. Our seventeen-year-old daughter is known for being a big drinker, which is one major issue in itself. She has multiple other problems as well, including epilepsy and ADHD, along with some mental health issues. While we have been working on trying to control her drinking and general behavior, we always felt grateful that she showed no evidence of drug use...until recently. Now we are actively looking for ways to know for sure what she's using--she obviously won't tell us, and we've given up on trying to trust her. Tough love really is tough--on EVERYBODY involved, but it is the only way to handle extreme situations. Thanks for sharing your story.
I hate to think I would need this, but I suppose I would not know for sure unless I used it!
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