Anyways, this weekend was just crazy. I spent most of it running errands and taking her to her shots which took much longer than expected. I have 3 reviews I still have to write up, not to mention my presentation I need to prepare for my rotations. All fun stuff! I will catch up soon, I promise! In the meantime, wish me luck and throw me whatever advice you guys have for super energetic, teething pups... I mean, we got a Jack Russell terrier and they are known for their energy...but she was too adorable...and she tricked us! haha...she spent the time we observed her that first day mostly sleeping and doing nothing.... but now, she's about as energetic as they come, maybe even more. :)
Until next time,

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Haha. Being a mother is like having a puppy times 10. Congrats on the new "baby" though! Terriers of any kind are handfuls!
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