Friday, September 24, 2010

Following Friday & Blog Hop Fridays! 09/24/2010 Edition

Welcome to Following Fridays! Another week has flown by! My baby has grown so much it seems! For those of you who are new, my baby is an adorable baby terrier! :) I cohost this blog hop so be sure to follow me and the other hostesses of this blog hop and we'll be sure to follow you back. I do check so no cheating please! Check out the details below.

Let's Just Give It Away

 Here is how you can join us.

1. Link up your blog URL on Mr Linky.
2. Follow the Hostesses ( and leave a comment so they can follow you back).
3. Grab The Following Friday button and paste it somewhere on your blog or in a post.
4. Follow as many blogs as you like and when they follow you, follow them back. (leave a comment on their blog so they can follow you back)

More blog hops I like! I love making new friends. Leave me a comment if you follow and I'll be sure to follow you back. I do check to make sure you've followed so please, no cheating! 

Other than that, Happy Fridays and have fun!

My Wee View friday-followSmart and Trendy Moms badge

Until next time,

Like what you see? Follow me on GFC and twitter (@CinnyBBS) to get the latest updates. Like us on facebook or join us through Network Blogs. Leave me a comment if you'd like me to follow back on any of these.


Crystal said...[Reply]

Hi, it's 7:37 am, the kids are out of school today, my hair is out of control, I'm on my second cup of coffee and so far it looks like a smooth start to the day since I'm able to catch up on emails and join blog hops. Now following u and hope you can return the favour!

Sue said...[Reply]

I am a new follower would love a follow back!!

Betty Manousos said...[Reply]

Hello, new follower from Friendly Friday blog hop.
I would love to have you stop by my blog.

Happy Friday!


Cheryl said...[Reply]

Showcase Sisters is now following you from Friendly Friday Blog Hop!

Anonymous said...[Reply]

Great blog hop, I just linked up. Thanks for hosting this one for us all. They are a lot of fun. Hope you have a terrific weekend! I'm following.

JakenMattsMom said...[Reply]

Hi! Here from Follow Friday, Would love for you to follow back! Please comment if you do! Thank you for hosting with the others! Hope you stop by!


Meg said...[Reply]

Just followed you via Following Friday! I would love if you could follow me back!

Rachel @ Little Kitchen, Big Bites said...[Reply]

I'm a new follower from the hop! Congratulations on your terrier baby...Hubby and I are hoping to get a puppy baby for Christmas too so any advice will be much appreciated! Feel free to check out my blog at

Elizabeth said...[Reply]

Following from Fun Follow Friday.

Anonymous said...[Reply]

I'm following from Friendly Friday Follow! Love what I see so far, and I am looking forward to seeing what you come up with in the future! Check out my sites and follow me back at:
Thanks! Pris

~Mo~ said...[Reply]

I'm a new follower!!

Katie Adams said...[Reply]

I'm a new follower from Friendly Friday!

Please come check out my blog soon!

Mimi N said...[Reply]

I'm following you from Stacie's FFF.

Marvelous Mom Reviews at


Woven by Words at

SalemMomma said...[Reply]

New follower via FFF (a day late, lol) Would love to have a follow back!

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