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1) Kathryn @MommyKatandKids
This is the first weekend my SO and I have not been on call so it has been nice, spending some time with our baby and relaxing. Today though, needs to be very productive! :) I need to catch up on a month's worth of bills, hospital related work and a lot of other random things.
Thing is, I never wanted nor liked to blog about my life in the hospital...but this week, I felt how fulfilling it was to help out my patients, recognize them afterwards and have them give you their heartfelt thanks and I felt compelled to share my story. The patient I had been following previously came back for a follow up visit and she recognized me and the work I had done for her. This is what I'm in the field for... not for the money, not for the glory, but for the sense of fulfillment when you have truly helped someone and made a difference in their lives. And that is a truly beautiful thing. Unfortunately though, when you tell people you are a doctor or going to become a doctor, most people have the misconception that doctors make a lot of money and some of them do, but the majority of them also come out of their education owing upwards of $100K for their tuition and training over many years. God knows how much debt I've already accumulated and will continue to accumulate for the sake of a good education that will allow me to help people's lives.
On another note, my baby terrier has gained weight...for the first several weeks, she was barely gaining any weight but she's shot up a full pound in a week. We've bought her a playpen to run around in but she doesn't seem to like it very much. For some reason, she likes her wee wee pads to sleep on more than peeing on. Is that normal??
Until next time,

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Awww! Thanks so much Cinny! And congrats on your first award! I'm sure there will be many more coming your way in the future, but there's something extra-special about the first one; you never forget it! :)
Congratulations Cindy,
Always nice to get an award but there is some responsability that comes with it! Atta Girl!
Hi! I'm your newest follower from Relax and Surf Sundays! Hope to see you around!
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