I love my clothes and I absolutely love it when they're hilarious, which is exactly what you'll get from Crazy Dog T-Shirts. They have such a wide selection of funny T-shirts that it makes choosing one so hard! I know, its Father's Day coming up, but c'mon, can't I have one thing for myself? (Nod your head! lol) So, I ended up choosing "Choose your weapon" under Girl's T-shirts. By the name, you're probably thinking what!? But, take a look, its hilarious! Who would think of it being a rock, paper, scissors battle? Point is, I think its cute and I love the design!

The fit was great on this t-shirt and it was so comfy to wear that I could sleep in it! Its definitely one of those shirts that I would wear every day of the week if I could. The material is fairly light but so incredibly soft that I felt like rubbing my face in it. Its not microfiber soft but its getting there. I would recommend Crazy Dog T-shirts to everyone, fairly priced and they would make great presents not only for Father's Day but for other occasions. Mmhmm, definitely happy I snagged a shirt for myself. Sometimes, you just have to indulge yourself to find a perfect shirt.
Buy It: To purchase any of the items from Crazy Dog T-Shirts, shop online now ($6.99+).
Win It: One lucky Whirlwind of Surprises reader is going to win a $15 GC to Crazy Dog T-Shirts as part of the Father's Day Blog Hop Giveaway Event with over $250 worth in prizes! Make it easier on yourself later by visiting and liking Crazy Dog T-Shirts on Facebook and following @crazydogtshirts now.
Disclaimer: The product/s mentioned above have been provided free of charge from Crazy Dog T-Shirts for the purposes of this review. Opinions expressed belong to Whirlwind of Surprises and are NOT influenced in any way. Please view my full disclosure.
Until next time,

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Thanks for stopping by. I am so sorry. I fixed it. thanks for letting me know. :) You are entered
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