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Is it just me or do you also love the awesomeness of new movies? Disney+ is set to come out with yet another new movie this week! Safety, based on a true story, will be Disney+'s newest release on Friday, December 11th. Read on for our spoiler-free review and 6 awesome reasons why you should watch it too! All these awesome new movies is seriously making me want to sign up for Disney+.
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SAFETY is a drama inspired by the empowering story of former Clemson University football safety Ray McElrathbey (Jay Reeves), a young man facing a series of challenging circumstances, whose dedication and persistence help him to triumph over repeated adversities. Aided by his teammates and the Clemson community, he succeeds on the field while simultaneously raising and caring for his 11-year-old brother Fahmarr (Thaddeus J. Mixson).
So...though I am not a football fan (Side bar- Ya, crazy right? I do love my hockey.), I am a sucker for based on true story movies as is my husband. There's nothing better and more motivational than learning how people work through their hardships and succeed.
Photo Credit: Disney |
6 Awesome Reasons to Watch Safety from DisneyPlus:
S -Sacrifice. There is something endearing and moving to watch someone sacrifice and be willing to put someone else in front of themselves. In Ray's situation, he's made it somewhere where he can better his own life yet he puts it all on the line for the sake of his younger brother.
A -Awe-inspiring. I found the entire movie riveting and awe-inspiring. We were all hooked and gosh, on the edge of our seats. It's crazy that Ray as a 19-year-old trying to get his bearings on a new life in college, competitive football and yet he adds on more responsibility than your typical person by taking on his younger brother as well. The dedication and commitment to follow through is awe-inspiring not only to those who are watching but his teammates and coaches who watch his efforts and are moved to support him.
F -Family. It may seem incredibly corny of me to say this. I always LOVE, and I mean, LOVE, that Disney promotes that family doesn't necessarily mean just immediate family. It's quite incredible how the Clemson Football team is like a family and it was just absolutely heartwarming to see Fahmarr included.
E -Empathy. Safety is a real heart string puller. You feel for the family, for Fahmarr, and it just breaks your heart how kids can grow up in such sad situations. Thank heavens for a brother with a good head on his shoulders, a good heart in his chest, and a team that's supportive.
Photo Credit: Disney |
T -Triumphant. I get that we can't win every battle. However, it's not always about that but the journey that you take to get there. We sometimes try to do everything ourselves, but in reality, we're helped along by others without knowing it. It is that togetherness that allows for success and makes it a beautiful story.
Y -Yes, yay! Definitely a thumbs up on this movie for us. The characters were engaging. There are sweet moments for both Fahmarr and Ray. Fahmarr, played by Thaddeus J. Mixson, was quite entertaining. He's a funny kid; it was perfect. Ray, portrayed by Jay Reeves, was also notable and played his role with dignity and integrity. It was quite refreshing to see an athlete that was also an academic and planned ahead in case his academic career didn't work out. A random side note though: I am absolutely curious if they truly had a move named after Fahmarr.
Safety is definitely worth the watch and is a family-friendly movie that's uplifting and encouraging in time for the holidays.
Check it out on Disney+ on Friday, December 11th! Disney+ is the dedicated streaming home for movies and shoes from Disney, Pixar, marvel, Star Wars, National Geographic and more. Disney+ is $6.99/month or $69.99/year.
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