Starting Weight (142.8lb/142.5)
Week 36: -1.2lb (126.8)
Current totals: -15.7lbs
Starting/Ending Measurements
Arms: 10"/10"
Waist: 28.5"/26.75" (-1.75")
Hips: 37"/35.5" (-1.5")
Thighs: 22"/21" (-1")I'm not sure if you can even see a difference in my before/after pictures. Teehee, the left is my silly before picture from the very beginning of the program. The right is of me now. Honestly, I think the lesson learnt here is that it doesn't matter what weight level you start at. If you're willing to become healthier and shed a few pounds, it's worth celebrating, whether you're losing 100lbs or just 10-20lbs.
The SO's progress:
Starting Weight (162.0lb)
Week 28: -0.5lb (147.5)
Current totals: -14.5lbs
Starting/Ending Measurements
Arms: 12.5"/11.5" (-1")
Chest: 36.8"/36.8"
Waist: 33"/31" (-2")
Hips: 38.2"/36" (-2.2")
Thighs: 25"/23" (-2")
So while, neither the SO or I made our goals, you can still we still made decent progress on both our weights and measurements. It's been a while since I've seen myself at this weight range and I hope to attain a better, healthier me by keeping up with the lessons learnt from Nutrisystem even after it's over. Thank you Nutrisystem for being so supportive of our weight loss attempts. Best wishes to all of you who are attempting to lose weight. You know have my account and if you stop back tomorrow, I can help you kick start your weight loss goals with a little giveaway from Nutrisystem.
**Tip of the week: Weight loss is a journey. Celebrate little successes.**
Buy It: Want to join Nutrisystem too? Call 1-888-853-4689 OR visit Nutrisystem online. Feel free to check out the rest of my weekly progress and future videos here.
Disclaimer: The product/s mentioned above have been provided for the purposes of this review. No other form of compensation was received. Opinions expressed belong to Whirlwind of Surprises and are NOT influenced in any way. Please view my full disclosure, TOS, and privacy policy. Please take the time to enter my other giveaways while you're here.
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You look great congrats. I am just starting week 13 on NS.
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