Its been a really crazy week for me, I know I said I had internet...but that was only for a day...literally. I was very disappointed with the speed of Verizon MyFi. I was honestly very excited to have such a cool little gadget to run with but unfortunately, it was just too slow so I had to wait for the cable guy to come and set up the internet. I'm very pleased to say that I now have full internet access and should be up and running as normal as I can.
My schedule is really packed right now. I literally get up at 4:30am and don't get home until 5-6pm so I'm slowly catching up to everything I've been behind on. So hold on tight, if I haven't followed you back, I will be and if I forget to, just give me a gentle reminder. :)
If you haven't entered my Giani Granite Review and Giveaway yet, you should! Its currently has really low entries and it really does give beautiful results! Go here to enter. Please remember to leave your email address so I can get ahold of you if you win.
Last but not least, thanks to Josh who told me they have a giveaway scout site which helps to promote giveaways for free. You just sign up and they regularly check your blog, find your giveaways and help you spread the word. You can find them here.
Until next time,

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What a cute blog!! I am really enjoying looking around. Thanks for sharing!! I am now a new follower!! Nicole @ BTW I found you on Mom Blog Monday Blog Hop!!
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