Disclaimer: This is a Fashionista Events opportunity. I will receive a swag bag of goodies from writing this post.
How much do you love your bacon? The tantalizing sweet smell, the juices and fat that just melts in your mouth. It's one of those bad foods that people can't help but love. Even me and I try eat healthy. Of course it makes it a bit tough when the hubby loves bacon! And the pups love their Beggin' Strips.
I always try to get creative with the bacon but for the pups, it's always a little simpler. However, puppies everywhere now have a cool and hip way of eating their bacon treats.
Based on the video, “I Get Bacon”, you'd think it was a special treat designed for the creme de la creme dogs...the high class pups...or the high rollers! These new Beggin’ Party Poppers will make them the coolcat dog of the party.
Plus, who would've though these high rollers would even have their own music video. The song is actually super catchy and has been stuck in my head for a few days now. Boss, the Corgi, raps I Get Bacon” is a must watch clip for bacon lovers everywhere, whether they be four legged or two. So cute, so adorable, so fun!
Opinions expressed belong to Whirlwind of Surprises and are NOT influenced in any way. Please view my full disclosure, TOS, and privacy policy. Please take the time to enter my other giveaways while you're here.
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How much do you love your bacon? The tantalizing sweet smell, the juices and fat that just melts in your mouth. It's one of those bad foods that people can't help but love. Even me and I try eat healthy. Of course it makes it a bit tough when the hubby loves bacon! And the pups love their Beggin' Strips.
I always try to get creative with the bacon but for the pups, it's always a little simpler. However, puppies everywhere now have a cool and hip way of eating their bacon treats.
Based on the video, “I Get Bacon”, you'd think it was a special treat designed for the creme de la creme dogs...the high class pups...or the high rollers! These new Beggin’ Party Poppers will make them the cool

What would you or your pup do to get some bacon?
Opinions expressed belong to Whirlwind of Surprises and are NOT influenced in any way. Please view my full disclosure, TOS, and privacy policy. Please take the time to enter my other giveaways while you're here.
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