If you head to either Rite Aid or Walgreens this week, they both have a BOGO 50% off on L'Oreal cosmetic products! Rite Aid is also offering a $5 Up Reward on any L'Oreal purchase over $15 and with the mascara MRSP at 10.95 and the eyeshadow as $9.95, even with the BOGO, you should be able to make the 15 needed for the Up Reward so really, you can make two great additions to your cosmetics drawer for about $10!
If you haven't read my review yet, go and check it out.
Until next time,

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new follower and good to know this info...I am in need of some new makeup!!
Thanks for following me and I came back and am now following you on Twitter and Facebook. Thanks so very much! I think all bloggers are awesome and I knew everyone would come thru for me and I was not wrong. This meant alot to me as I am disabled and this is my way of helping stretch the dollars of my disability check so this was really huge for me but I did not want to come out and say that and have people think I was using that. I talk about it on my blog but not on blog hops or contests. Again, thanks so very much!
Hello I am a new follower. I would love it if you stopped by http://www.couponsavingsinthesouth.com/ when you have a chance.
Hello I'm a new follower too. Hope you'll follow back x
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