On this page, you'll find great resources for bloggers:
Permanent Rafflecopter Giveaway Linky -Enter your Rafflecopter giveaways here and don't worry about having to put it in again next week!
Blog Design Services -WOS is starting to do blog design services and for a short time, introductory prices will be in effect!
Current Event Sign-Ups
-Blogger? Want to build up your blog? Join us in our giveaway events that will help bring you more exposure and traffic.
-Business? Want exposure? Contact us for review and giveaway opportunities.
-Sign up for Happy Freebie. A new review op site and they also hold giveaways.
-Fashion Blogger -OASAP gives you anywhere from $30-$120 to order and review products from their site. I currently get $90 and have already placed my first order. Sign up.
Permanent Rafflecopter Giveaway Linky -Enter your Rafflecopter giveaways here and don't worry about having to put it in again next week!
Blog Design Services -WOS is starting to do blog design services and for a short time, introductory prices will be in effect!
Current Event Sign-Ups
-Blogger? Want to build up your blog? Join us in our giveaway events that will help bring you more exposure and traffic.
-Business? Want exposure? Contact us for review and giveaway opportunities.
-Sign up for Happy Freebie. A new review op site and they also hold giveaways.
-Fashion Blogger -OASAP gives you anywhere from $30-$120 to order and review products from their site. I currently get $90 and have already placed my first order. Sign up.